Nestlé NAN AL 110 Formula Milk Powder (0-6 M+) 400 gm


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Important Notice: There is no substitutes of or equivalent to breast milk  Nestlé NAN AL110 is produced as per the Bangladesh standard for formulas for special medical purposes intended for infants. Nestlé NAN AL 110 is a Lactose Free special Dietary Formula and can be given from Birth onwards in accordance with the advice of Medical professionals.  Nestlé NAN AL 110 contains: – Probiotic L.reuteri 

– Lactose free 

– Nucleotides 

– Balanced ratio of DHA and ARA 

Net Weight: 400 gm Manufactured by: Nestlé Netherlands Formulated by: Nestlé Switzerland S.A. Marketed by: Nestlé Bangladesh Limited